Microsoft Project is intended for those with, at a minimum, a basic understanding of project management principles and who hold or are seeking positions involving the regular use of Microsoft Project to develop project plans, and to track and report progress. Microsoft Project provides all the tools to make sure your project turns out as planned. It prescribes an important role in project planning and establishes the major functions of the project manager during project execution. Building from the foundations of inspection and the use of statistics, this class goes beyond the tools to the strategies and philosophies that lead to success. This course covers how to plan for project quality, how to build a quality system to implement that plan, and how to provide the tactics to implement these strategies.
Topics Covered
Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm
Monday - Friday 9am - 10pm
Saturday 10am-5pm
Please see our schedule for course and testing times.
16 Mount Ebo Rd S, SUITE 18
Brewster, NY 10509 845-279-9400